Welcome to SGRBC, Accra

The name ‘Reformed’ helps to explain something of our historical and theological roots. There is a body of theological beliefs that is commonly referred to as “The Reformed Faith”. Such Biblical truths as sola fide (justification by faith alone), sola gratia (salvation by God’s grace alone), sola scriptura (the Bible alone is the basis for faith and practice), solus Christus (salvation through Christ alone), and soli deo gloria (the fact that God alone is to receive glory in the salvation of sinners) are the hallmarks of the Protestant and Reformed Faith.

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The name Baptist is a form of verbal shorthand for us to convey certain truths. First of all, we are using it to state the Biblical truths concerning the subjects and the mode of baptism. When we speak of the subjects of baptism, we refer to the truth that baptism is for believers only. We as Reformed Baptists owe a great debt to our Reformed friends who are Paedo-baptist brethren (who believe and practice infant baptism).

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What We Believe

We acknowledge the supreme authority of the Bible. In all matters of what we believe (faith) and what we do (practice), our sole and final authority is the written Word of God. The church life is not governed by tradition or modernity, not by man’s opinion or sentiment, nor by pragmatism, but by the written Word of God alone.

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